Learning and Development

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Education, Training, Learning and Development

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Education is a process of collective or enhanced knowledge which makes the understanding of employees is increased. It develop a commonsense and sensible mind that can define relationship among significant variables and thereby understand a situation or judging things. Education has a wider scope than training. Training is done in a specific aspects but Education is done on wider aspects. Education is a self-driven thing or learned by individual in a class room or institution. It is based on theoretical orientation.


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Learning is the process of absorbing information and retaining to increase skills and abilities to achieve goals. Through Experience and Studying can change the behavior permanently in Knowledge, Skills and Attitude is learning (Henderson, 2017).
It’s more important which can be done by individuals by pulling or encouraging people in to learning or pushing them to learn. Learning cannot be measured but it results can be measured. Learning is detection and correction of errors.

Kolb’s Learning Cycle (1984)
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 Learning Styles (Honey and Mumford, 1986)
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It is a process of improvement of skills and knowledge of the employees on their profession. Development is based on theoretical skill and creative ideas which focus on long term goals to prepare for their future job roles. It will result in personal growth in the organization and their overall personality. The development is mostly considered for managers and executives. Performance of managers can be developed through better Knowledge, Increased set of Skills and changing Attitudes (KSA). “Developing Skills, Knowledge and Competencies are the key factor of an organization to succeed (Schuller, 2000).

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Training is a process of developing skills, capabilities and knowledge of the existing employee and new recruited employees for a certain job role to meet the organizational need.
Training must support the need of the Organizational Objectives. For example if a bank wants to keep a better credit quality they can provide employees training course on credit analysis.
Training is one of the key factors in performance management. The organization need to identify who needs training, what kind of training they need and how to implement it to grow their performance.
According to Flippo (1980) “Training is the act of increase skills of an employee for doing a particular job”.
According to Dale (1980)Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose”.
According to Armstrong (2011) “Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job
Mostly the training is needed to match the employee specification with the job obligation, Change in job role, Environmental changes and to interact with people.

Ø  Training process (Addie Model)
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·         Need Analysis (Identifying Training Needs)
ü  Task Analysis – Identifying required skills for the employee especially for new recruits.
ü  Performance Analysis – Assessing the current performance gap and identifying the skills to be trained especially for existing employees.
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·         Design – It should include Motivation, Material which is meaningful and easy to understand and Training methods
-Training Methods
1)      On the Job Training (Learning while doing)
ü  Coaching
ü  Mentoring
ü  Internship Training
ü  Job rotation

2)      Off the Job Training (Learning before doing)
ü  Case study
ü  Action Learning
ü  Audiovisuals
ü  Lecture
ü  Outdoor training
ü  Programed Instructions

·         Develop – Create and assemble the contents of Design phase.
·         Implement – Training the employee who needed the training.
·         Evaluate – Feedback regarding training, testing the knowledge of the trainee, are they using the training in the job and is the performance are improved.

 Benefits of Training and Development
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Benefits for Organization

·   Training is systematic learning. It reduces the wastage and money. E.g.: In a Bank if a department staff is transferred to Branch Banking without Cashier training they can make shortages in cash make a loss to the bank.
·      Improve the profitability. Proper training will enhance the performance of the employee which led to increase in productivity.
·      Future Manager who are trained and prepared to take over in case of emergency. Training can improve the knowledge of all levels in an organization. E.g. : In a Bank if a Manager is resigned or suspended a well-trained Assistant Manager must be ready to take over the position as the acting Manager until someone is replaced or promoted.
·     It improves the relationship between employer and employee by increasing the Moral of the employees. By giving training to the employees they can consider that the management is concern about them and they can move forward in their career.
·         Increase the quality of work
·   It helps the employee to evolve to the fast changing environment on technological and economic.
·         It helps to create a better brand image of the organization

Benefits for Employees

·         Improves the skills and knowledge of the employee which leads to a better career.
·         Adapt to the environmental and organizational changes.
·         Improves the self-confidence and job satisfaction. By updating themselves in the new technologies reduces the fear of thrown out of the job.
·         Increases the performance level to earn more. E.g.: Marketing training given to a Sales person can perform well and increase his/her incentive or commission
·         It helps move toward personal goals.
·         It helps to overtake new tasks.
·         It increases the efficiency of the employee.

Armstrong, M., 2011. Hand Book of Strategic Human Resource Management. 5 ed. London: Kogan Page.
Dale S, B., 1980. Managing People at Work. 3 ed. s.l.:Macmillan Publishing Company.
Flippo, E. B., 1980. Personnel Management. 5 ed. s.l.:McGraw - Hill.
Henderson, I., 2017. Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters. London: CIPD.
Schuller, T., 2000. Social and Human Capital: the search for appropriate technomethodology.. s.l.:Policy Studies.

Image 1 available in : https://www.kmprod.com/learning-development
Image 2 available in : http://edtechreview.in/e-learning/3028-countries-leading-in-online-education
Image 3 available in : http://www.makeintern.com/learning/
Image 4 available in : https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html
Image 5 available in : http://resources.eln.io/honey-and-mumford-learning-styles/
Image 6 available in : http://developnig.com/development-defining-concept/
Image 7 available in : http://info-kamensk.ru/news/priglashaem_na_besplatnoe_obuchenie/2016-08-13-1459
Image 8 available in : https://fr.dreamstime.com/images-libres-de-droits-mod%C3%A8le-d-addie-image25991179
Image 9 available in : https://www.socsci.ox.ac.uk/images/site-images/training-needs-analysis-tna-image/view
Image 10 available in : https://medium.com/@realtynewsIndia/training-and-development-of-employees-reasons-and-benefits-67ba08c0184a


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